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Here at Riverway Foods Ltd we pride ourselves in having a good Food Safety Management system, with this we are able to feel confident in all of our procedures and practices. We know what we are doing which enables us to comply with legal requirements, Industry Standards and best practices guidelines.


At Riverway all our Pork is Red tractor certified (We insist on rigorous production standards from farms to pack. we don’t allow growth hormones or antibiotic residues in your meat. Just good quality food at its best).


Riverway Foods are extremely committed to the implementing and monitoring of all the procedures that we as a manufacturer have to adhere to.  Our whole processes and systems are continually audited for us to maintain our accreditations that we hold here on site with third party organizations such as BRC and BMPA.  We undergo rigorous spot checks and audits to maintain our grades to which we hold with high esteem and dedication.


Riverway is a heavily invested site in people and equipment. This ensures our culture of quality can be extended throughout the site.

This requires a significant amount of time, resources, Technical expertise and commitment all of which are what maintains the quality of the products we produce and what makes Riverway Foods!


Our 21st Century factory has been purpose built and we have incorporated the latest in technology especially in our Technical Team.  We offer added confidence in what we produce by using some of the latest technology, both in the Production and Technical part of the process, such things as label scanners,  fat detection analysers  and the latest in metal detection equipment used on site brings us to the fore front of the manufacturing sector. 


Riverway Foods Limited would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our suppliers to the site who themselves maintain the highest standards and gain accreditation.



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